
Welcome to my AS Foundation Portfolio blog. Here you will find research and planning, construction evidence and evaluation for my coursework project.

Monday 27 February 2012

Constructing My Contents Page

This first image is of the making of my front cover and contents page.I am making my front cover on Photoshop, but once I've finished it I am then going to move it across onto InDesign, where it will be placed next to my contents page.

This second image is of a bit of the work I have started to do on my contents page, I have put the skyline on my contents page, which has the name of the magazine, small in the corner and then across the top is the 'Contents' as well as the magazine issue and date, I am creating my contents page on InDesign.

This third image is an improvement to my second image, I have developed my work a lot and have added a lot of new things to the contents page. i have now added a 'Contents', 'Every Month' and '
Review' sections to the page, where below I will write about these things. I have written in the 'Review' section. I have also added a photo box, next to the review section, in there I am going to upload an image of one of my models.

The next step I have done is added a small image to the bottom of the contents page, I am also planning on putting a larger image on the right hand side of the page, in that big space.v I have also moved the edge of the magazine on the right hand side, so it covers to the edge of the page.

This fifth image is an update to my contents page, I have now added contents into my 'Features' section, as well as my 'Every Month Section'. I also decided to add a page number to the bottom of the page.

This is an update to how my contents page is coming along, I have now added the main image to the page, I think it looks really good, I love how there both pulling different poses as this shows there different personalities, which will make the reader connect to them more.

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