
Welcome to my AS Foundation Portfolio blog. Here you will find research and planning, construction evidence and evaluation for my coursework project.

Monday 26 March 2012

Evaluation Question 6 - What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

This picture is of all the software that I have used for the time that it has took me to make my magazine product. I used Photo booth to make the videos for my feedback on my cuts for my magazine and my research for my magazine. I have used Blogger through out the whole making of my magazine, this is to show you all the different stages I went through to make my magazine, I showed how my magazine has progressed from the early stages and right through to the final cuts of the magazine. I have lots of posts on my blog to show all the different types of things I have learned and researched about my magazine. I used Windows Live Movie Maker to make my video for my Evaluation question 2, I was going to do it on Final Cut Express but I didn't have that at home so I used movie maker instead. I used InDesign to make my contents page and double page spread of my magazine on it, I then uploaded my front cover to it as well. I used Prezi  through out the whole thing, I have many different prezis, some for my evaluation questions, others are for my magazine research, which I did at the very beginning, which helped me to research the magazines I thought I'd be interested in. I used Power Point to make one of my  evaluation questions, this is to show all the different styles of techniques I could do for my questions. I used YouTube to upload my evaluation question to it, so I could then upload it to my blog, so it was then visible. I used Dafont.com for all the different types of fonts that I used for my magazine, i found this site very useful, as I always seemed to find a font which I liked and then worked on my magazine. I used Photoshop to make my front cover of my magazine, I also used it to make collages of the photo shoots I did with my models and then recently i have being using it to make collages for my Evaluation questions, of things that I think 'Indie kids' will like and also al the software that I have being using through the time of my making of the magazine. I started to use Final Cut Express to make my video for my evaluation, but I ended up starting it all over again at home as i didn't have this software at home, instead I used Movie maker. 

I have learnt a lot from using all these different softwares, I've learnt lots of different techniques on Photoshop, by using different tools, this has been a life saver for my work, since I have used it a lot and it's made my magazine look really professional. I've learnt a lot from using prezi at first I didn't like it but now since I've got my way around it, I've understood it more, and I've enjoyed using it, it's helped a lot with questions that I have had to answer. InDesign was not my favourite software to use, since I was so used to using Photoshop, I didn't really get the hand and jist on how to use InDesign, but after working things out, it became very easy and I began to enjoy using it for my contents page and double page spread. Windows Live Movie Maker was quite hard to get my movie how i wanted it to be for my evaluation question, I didn't get the chance to upload all the different types of music of all the bands and artists that I put on there, because it didn't seem to let me cut the music, this is probably one of the downfalls for me, since I know the Final Cut Express lets you cut the music to how you want it to be. Blogger has been my favourite thing to do with software and websites, as i use it at home a lot, I know how to work it very well, and it was very easy for me to work it, I've liked how I have seen my work improve through all the different stages to my end products and then now my Evaluation questions. I learnt how to download different fonts for my magazine, I've also learned how to change photos from photoshop into jpegs, so I can then upload them to my blog. for actually taking the pictures I learned how to use the flash lights with the camera, so they were all working alongside each other and capturing the best light on my model. 

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